Utah Data Research Center

State of Utah's Longitudinal Data System

  • Utah's source for reliable and trustworthy research findings of employment, education, and health.
  • Research findings are summarized and made into visualizations for easier consumption.
  • UDRC is the source of Utah data for employment, education, and health.
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A sunrise seen through an arch in the desert.
Latest News & Updates

2024 Research Agenda

Check out this blog for a brief overview of the 2024 UDRC research agenda topics. This blog introduces the finalized research topics for the upcoming research year.

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A desk with a computer that shows charts and figures.
Latest Published Research

The Return on Investment of a USHE Award

UDRC's first analytics report is ready. This analysis demonstartes the return on investment of a USHE award. The analysis shows both the public and private return on investment of USHE awards.

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A pen and magnifying glass lying on an open book
Request Data for your Research

Through an online application process, the Utah Data Research Center is able to provide cross-agency data to external researchers from Utah state partners.

Start Data Request
Updated 1-27-23 9:50AM