Employment and wages in Utah after postsecondary graduation
May 29, 2019
One of the metrics in Utah’s Education Pipeline observes the employment and wage outcomes for those graduating from a university or college from either a 1-, 2-, or 4-year program. For employment outcomes, 89% of students were employed at one year after graduation. This decreased to 76% at five years after graduation.
Median wages were $35,808 at one year after graduation, and increased to $50,580 at five years after graduation. The rise in median wages is reflective of wage growth for those staying in Utah's workforce. This is an increase of approximately 40% over a five-year time period.
While this measurement does not include those who are self-employed, federal employees, or military personnel, the decrease in employment over time could be from the result of individuals choosing to leave Utah's workforce to raise children, pursuing employment in another state, or due to death.
Learn more about other Postsecondary Access indicators at Utah’s Education Pipeline.