UDRC's Peer Review Process
Kelsey Martinez, Ph.D.
April 25, 2019
The Utah Data Research Center (UDRC) aims to produce high quality research reports. An integral part of the research process and report creation is peer review. The goal of peer review is to evaluate research methodology, verify interpretation of results, and ultimately improve credibility of UDRC research products.
The peer review process takes place both internally - within the UDRC team - and externally - amongst UDRC partners. The process begins with research agenda approval by the UDRC advisory board. Following report drafting, two rounds of internal report review are provided by the UDRC team. Internal reviewers make suggestions for improvements in report clarity, organization, methods, and conclusions. Following revisions requested by internal reviewers, an external peer review is provided by our partner institutions. External reviewers provide essential subject matter expertise and verify report conclusions.
Here, we share our detailed process for peer review at the UDRC. Below is a general list of questions for peer reviewers to keep in mind as they perform their review, either internally or externally. Our peer review structure was adapted from the peer review process used in academic research to ensure quality results.
- Are the report objectives clearly defined?
- Are the research methods clearly explained?
- Is all of the information included in the report topical to the report objectives?
- Does the interpretation of the results make sense?
- Do any interesting results need to be broken out and discussed more?
View the Peer Review Process PDF.