UDRC’s new data request application & Tips to apply for data
Kelsey Martinez, PhD, Research Manager
May 05, 2021

We are excited to announce that UDRC recently released its newly updated data request application! The application is designed to help streamline the application process for you, our data requestors. This application asks for a little more information from you than our previous application, and it asks you to provide a well-thought-out research project or operational reporting need.
- Check out the example proposals on the application page. We created two example proposals since we tend to get two types of data requests: Academic-style research and Operational reporting. If you are a researcher working with a college or university or conducting hypothesis-based research at another institution, you will want to check out the academic-style proposal example. If you work for a government agency or other agency conducting reporting research, check out the agency request example.
- Do not be overwhelmed by the number of requested fields! Please just fill out as much as you can. Any information you can provide to our Data Coordinator in advance of your first planning session will speed the preliminary steps required to fill your request. We do not expect you to have everything figured out, though!
- Please be sure to have completed a preliminary literature review if conducting an academic style research project, or come to your first meeting with our data coordinator prepared to discuss your institutional reporting in context.
- Reach out with questions! Email us at udrc@utah.gov if you need any help with your request.
- Remember, we can only fill data requests for data sets that link data across multiple agencies. If you are just looking for data from one specific government agency, you will need to work directly with that agency.
We look forward to working with you when you request data! Here is a link to our application. Again, if you have any questions about requesting data from UDRC, please feel free to contact us at any point at udrc@utah.gov.