Bagels & Research Reminder!
Kelsey Martinez, PhD, Research Manager
April 4, 2022

We are stopping by with a quick reminder that on Thursday, April 7th, at 8:30 AM, the UDRC will host its Bagels & Research event. We’re excited to see everyone in person and share new research and work! Here’s a quick overview of the research to be presented.
- Gender Wage Gap of Utah Workforce and Post-Secondary Graduates, presented by Karen Tao, Utah Data Research Center.
This project explores the wages of recent post-secondary graduates in Utah for one and five years post-graduation. The results are broken down by gender, highest degree obtained, and area of study. - Economically Disadvantaged Students in Higher Education, presented by Andrea Brandley, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute
This work, which leverages UDRC data, explores higher education outcomes for Utah students who experience economic disadvantage in high school. - What’s New in UDRC’s Cloud Database? Presented by Vincent Brandon, Utah Data Research Center
Vincent will share exciting news for UDRC’s data requestors and data partners that will be implemented in the UDRC’s new cloud-based data warehouse. Updates include a more accurate matching algorithm and accessibility improvements. - Area Deprivation and the P20 Pipeline, presented by Ari Fenn, Ph.D., Utah Data Research Center
Using a metric of area deprivation set forth by the Utah Department of Health, this work explores K-12 education and post-secondary outcomes for 99 small areas in Utah. Metrics such as Kindergarten preparedness, K-12 assessment scores, and post-secondary attendance are included. - Area Deprivation and the P20 Pipeline Data Narrative, presented by Laura Dahl, Ph.D., Utah Data Research Center
Using the Area Deprivation and P20 Pipeline data narrative as an example, Laura will share her initiatives to make UDRC’s data narratives more accessible and useable.
We hope to see you there! Please sign up for a free ticket here.