Bagels and Research 2024 Recap, Recording, and Slides
Ari Fenn, Assistant Commissioner, Research
June 13, 2024

Research Recap
UDRC hosted our Bagels and Research event on April 3rd. We were delighted to see a record attendance this year, as we hosted the event on-site in the newly renovated Lobby Conference Room. Along with UDRC’s researchers, Heidi Prior from the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute presented research findings. This is the first year we were able to record the research presentations for Bagels and Research, allowing us to share valuable insights with a broader audience. We are excited to have the slides and recording publicly available. Below is a recap of each research presentation and where each presentation can be found in the video.
To start the morning, Karen Tao of UDRC presented forthcoming research titled Gender Wage Gap for Women of Color. This research used panel data of USHE graduates' wages for up to ten years post-graduation. First, the overall wage gap and how it changed between years one to ten are presented. Next, using the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method, the wage gap is broken into two parts: the first that can be explained by observable characteristics and the second, which is not explainable by differences in observable characteristics. This research presentation begins at 0:00 and concludes at 32:30 in the video below.
Next, Connor Hill of UDRC presented Utah’s Cost of Living for Recent USHE Graduates. In this research, a basic household budget is constructed to show how much the average Utahn is expected to spend on basic needs. This was then compared to the wages of USHE graduates the first year after graduation, and the percentage of graduates who could afford the basic budget was calculated. Finally, simulated family scenarios were created, and the percentage that could afford the basic budget was calculated. This research can be found from 32:30 to 54:20.
In the second block of presentations, Heidi Prior of Kem C. Gardner presented A Look into the 2010-2020 Decline in Salt Lake City’s Population. This research used Census Bureau data to describe trends in Salt Lake City’s population growth. This trend was contrasted with the decline of the youth population. The study shows how this trend differed from the previous decline in the youth population. The Salt Lake City trend was further contextualized by showing how it compared to peer cities in the US West. This research can be watched between 54:20 and 1:34:45.
Finally, Alicia McIntire of UDRC presented Prior Learning Assessments and their Effect on Education Outcomes. This research used a panel of USBE graduates and tested how AP credit or CLEP credit related to postsecondary outcomes. The study describes the distribution of AP and CLEP credits. Next, the relationship between earning credit for prior learning is related to first-term GPA and time to degree for both bachelor’s and associate degree earners. This research presentation can be viewed from 1:34:45 until 2:07:41.
UDRC appreciates the four researchers who presented their outstanding work. We are proud of the number of people who saw the presentations live, and we hope you enjoy the recordings. We look forward to hosting Bagels and Research again next year.